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Aquamarine Gemstone

aquamrine gemstones


Aquamarine Gemstone since past is believed to be the treasure of mermaids and is well known as a stone of eternal youth and happiness. This crystal is also considered to be well equipped with positive vibes and also some civilization also believes that this crystal has anti-ageing properties. This stone has a huge impact on one's emotional and spiritual stability. Because of its flowing, peaceful energy, aquamarine has a strong ability to help move, protect, and purify your own energy aiding in deepen meditative states. Its energy can be felt like splashes of fresh ocean water. Aquamarine crystal colour ranges from faint light blue colour to blue or bluish-green, in which faint light colour stones are being more common type. This gemstone is available for affordable prices in lighter shades, but the price rises exponentially as darker the colour of the crystal approaches. This stone is in very high demand nowadays and is one of the most popular stones used for jewellery forms like necklace, earrings, and rings. But this crystal seems to be most mesmerising and flawless if worn as necklace pendants.

The crystal, like all other crystals, comes in different sizes, shapes and also the amount of purity. The more precise is the stone cutting along with the purity, more is the cost of the crystal. Most of the Aquamarine crystals available in the market are heat treated to gain the perfect dark colour and achieve a hardness of 7-8 on the Mohs scale. Hence chemically treated crystals are cheaply and easily available in the market. The best combination of the gemstone will be with sterling silver and aquamarine gemstone studded in between having a butterfly or heart-shaped crystal. According to me even, the most irritated or short-tempered guy would fall into the soothing and mesmerising beauty of this crystal. This crystal not only gives me a sense of satisfaction by seeing it virtually but imagine what would be the scenario if I got the crystal in my hand. That day I will forget all my worries and live my life peacefully every day; I think I will be ordering this crystal soon for myself too, for such a busy and hectic schedule life.

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