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Larimar Gemstone

larimar gemstones


Larimar gemstone is a gemstone of serenity, promoting relaxation in every aspect of one's life. Larimar gemstone provides pureness in the home. Larimar gemstone is a rare gemstone with blue colour variety of Pectolite. Larimar gemstone is found in the Caribbean. Its first forms in the needle-like crystals and hence they are known for their beautiful crystal-like form.


  •    Larimar gemstone cools tempers and calms fears.
  •    Relieves stress
  •    Nurtures the physical and emotional bodies.
  •    It is powerful in meditation
  •    Physical healing energy
  •    Emotional healing energy
  •    Spiritual Energy

Larimar gemstone is a crystal of serenity and it promotes relaxation in every aspect. As you sit in a bath just surround yourself by blue candles with larimar gemstones, it will help you to connect with the healing powers of the dolphin through visualization or play dolphin call music.

You can use Larimar gemstone to overcome the fear of doctors, hospitals, injections, surgery etc. Larimar gemstone is a pleasant stone for mothers, during and after pregnancy by relaxing the stress associated with new parenthood. Larimar gemstone cools hot tempers. Singers also find Larimar gemstone a wonderful stone protecting the voice. Larimar gemstone is also a perfect stone for finding a soulmate. It soothes and facilitates the healing of unresolved issues or fears, trauma to the heart.

Larimar gemstone is a highly effective stone of the throat chakra, it assists in communicating emotions in a way others can hear and accept. It teaches them respect, love and nurturing of oneself to have the resources to give these gifts to others. Larimar gemstone is a wonderful crystal for healers and caregivers.

Let's see some of the Larimar gemstones to buy online and its price-

  •    Larimar Gemstone Cabs in Oval shape of size 14x10x4mm Matched Pair approximately of 10 Carat would be of price 45 to 70 $.
  •    Larimar Gemstone Cab in Oval shape of size 28x19mm approximately of 26 Carat with price 100 to 140$.
  •    Larimar gemstone Cab in Oval shape of size 42x27mm approximately of 53.5 Carat with price 195 to 250$.
  •    Larimar gemstone Cab in Oval shape of size 42x27mm approximately 53.5 Carat with price 450 to 600$.
  •    Larimar gemstone Cabs of approximately 10 Carat in Oval shape with size 9x7mm of price 40 to 60$.
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